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4 Things to Consider Before Choosing to ‘Age in Place’


More and more, older adults are choosing to age in place these days. Aging in place is defined as, “the ability to live in one’s home or community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” (CDC) According to a study 2021 study conducted by AARP, 77% of adults age 50 and older want to remain in their home long-term. If you or your loved one is looking to ‘age in place,’ we have compiled a list of things to consider before doing so.

1. Home Repairs/ Modifications

Before you think about aging gracefully in your home, consider what may need to be repaired. For example, you may want to ensure that the pluming and roofing is intact. In addition, there may be a need for modifications such as an accessible bath tub, shower rails or a stair lift.

2. Reliable Transportation

If you plan to live at home long-term, you’ll need to consider your transportation options. For example, if you drive, you’ll want to make sure that your car is up to date with inspections, oil changes, brakes and other maintenance. If you do not drive or own a vehicle, determine if public transportation in an option. If not, ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft are great resources for getting around.

3. Technology

Technology can be a little intimidating at times, however, it is an essential part of our daily lives. Different apps can help you keep in contact with family and friends, both near and far. Technology can also help to keep you safe. For example, many people use video doorbell cameras for security. For those reasons, you may want to determine which apps/resources will support you while maintaining your independence at home.

4. Help at Home

Whether you choose to hire professional help such as a home health aide, or utilize a family caregiver, it is never a bad idea to have assistance with your health and everyday tasks. Determine the level of care you need, establish a budget, and consult professional services to see what they have to offer.

We hope these tips were helpful. If you or a loved one is in need of home health care services, contact us today!

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