In recent years, we’ve experienced countless unprecedented weather events, from wildfires, hurricanes, and flooding to name a few. Being prepared in times of emergency is critical, especially for our elderly and disabled loved ones, whose physical limitations may pose a challenge to respond effectively. This is why planning is crucial.
Here are some tips to ensuring that your loved one is prepared in the event of an emergency:
1. Create an Emergency Plan
· Have a network of friends and family members that you will contact in case of an emergency. Ensure that their information is up to date. Have an extra copy of this information handy.
· Research local emergency information such as shelters and other resources ahead of time.
· Practice mock emergency scenarios with family and friends
· Consider getting a medical ID bracelet for your loved one
2. Emergency Medical Kit
Prepare an Emergency Medical kit with the following:
· One week supply of essential medications
· Updated medication list including names of drugs and doses
· Medical equipment such as blood pressure cuff, blood sugar monitoring equipment, hearing aid, extra glasses, dentures.
· Medical records and treatment plans, extra copies of insurance cards.
3. Disaster Supplies
In addition to medical supplies, also include:
· At least a three day supply of food and water; canned food, juices and soups
· Basic supplies such as; a flashlight, batteries, manual can opener
· Change of clothing and blanket
· Basic Hygiene Products like soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, wipes
· Contact information including addresses and phone numbers of friends, family, and healthcare providers.