For older adults and individuals living with disabilities, family caregivers are primarily their main source of support. According to the National Council on Aging, approximately 53 million family caregivers provide unpaid care to a loved one. November is National Family Caregivers Month. It is a time to recognize the sacrifice of family caregivers all over. We have compiled a list of ways that you can help support a friend or loved one who has stepped into the crucial role of caring for a loved one.
1. Give them a Break
Caring for a loved one can sometimes cause a caregiver to place their own needs on the back burner. Offering a break to a caregiver, whether it’s weekly or just once in a while will allow them the chance to catch up on some errands, or simply just to take a moment.
2. Offer Specific Help
Whenever we have a person experiencing a difficult time, we often say a standard phrase like, ‘I am here if you need me,’ or ‘Let me know if you need anything.’ While those statements are made with good intentions, caregivers often struggle with asking for help. Try lifting the burden by offering specific help such as agreeing to prepare dinner or picking up their laundry from the dry cleaner. The more specific you can be the better.
3. Check in
If you know someone who is a family caregiver, schedule regular check ins with them. While rewarding, caring for a loved one can be lonely or even isolating, especially if their loved ones health is on the decline. Send and encouraging message or provide a listening ear. They will appreciate you for it.
What are some other ways you can provide support to a family caregiver? Leave a comment!